Dyslexia Assessment Center
All courses of study require a largely secure command of spelling, as lecturers often give texts with numerous spelling errors a lower grade - than is appropriate given the content. The German Student Union estimates that more than 8,000 students throughout Germany suffer from a dyslexia.
In cooperation with the Service Center Inclusion (click), individual solutions are sought together with those affected. Sometimes all that is needed is an expert opinion that can be used to obtain compensation for a disadvantage from the relevant examination office - sometimes a significant increase in competence can be achieved within a few months through tailored support. The goal is always the same: Graduation must not fail due to problems that have nothing to do with the central content of the subject.
If you want to begin or successfully continue your studies with a dyslexia, there are a few ways for you to make your day-to-day studies easier. We would like to encourage you to seek practical support and expert advice, as well as to take advantage of the opportunities for disadvantage compensation. Do not wait until your concerns are taken care of, but take the first step. The sooner you take action yourself, the faster you will reach your goal. With the right help, all paths are open to you.
Contact details: Lernambulanz-Garfield@uni-koeln.de
We need the following information from you:
- First and last name
- Matriculation number
- Course of studies
- Semester
- Intended degree
- If available: already performed diagnostics, promotion, expert opinion
- Reason for registration
We are supported by
the Inclusion Project Fund of the Gender & Diversity Management Unit
Compensation for disadvantages is a very complex issue. It is a legal entitlement that is regulated in various laws. The study regulations of the chosen course are always decisive. But even if there is no legal regulation, the compensation for disadvantages is guaranteed by Art. 12 GG in connection with Art. 3 GG (principle of equality). Important: Compensation for a disadvantage does not make the exam easier, but only compensates for a disadvantage in reading, spelling or arithmetic. Every examinee must demonstrate the same knowledge as other examinees and must show that he or she is up to the content requirements of the training or studies.