Prof. Dr. Gary Bente
Retired head of the professorship for Media- and Communication Psychology
Curriculum Vitae
- since 1991: Full Professor at the department of psychology, University of Cologne
- 1990-1991 Associate Professor for Psychology at the University of Duisburg
- 1990 Venia legendi in Psychology (Thesis: Multipe time-series notation in media research), University of Duisburg
- March/April 1988: Invited Scientist in the 'German Dartmouth Exchange Program' at Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., USA
- 1986-1990 Research Associate in psychology at the University of Duisburg
- 1985 PhD at the University of Trier (Dr. rer. nat.), PhD thesis about the relation of nonverbal communication and strategies of social power in counselling
- 1984-1986 Research Assistant at the department of neurology and psychiatry, Saarland University
- 1978-1984 Research Assistant at the department of pedagogy, University of Trier
- 1977 Diploma in Psychology (Saarland University)
- 1971-1977 Studies in Psychology (Saarland University)
Research Interests
- Nonverbal communication and person perception
- Computer simulation of human communication behavior
- Socio-emotional factors of media usage (TV, multimedia, virtual reality)
- Anthropomorphe interfaces in human-computer interactions
- Computer-mediated communication and cooperation
- Development of methods (software und hardware)
Third-party funded research projects
- 2012-2013: Radicalization 2.0: Effects of Islamic and Right-wing Extremist Internet Propaganda (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Terrorism and Extremism Research Institute (FTE) of the German Federal Crime Police Office)
- 2010-2012: Architecture of Social Cognition: Social Information Processing and Culture. (Volkswagen Foundation)
- 2010: Media and Health – Convergence (European Commission)
- 2008: Evaluation of the Prevention Campaign: Influencing Children's health Behaviour (General Health Insurance Agency)
- 2006-2010: Integrated Project PASION: Psychologically Augmented Social Interaction Over Networks (EU, 6th Framework Program)
- 2004-2007: Nonverbal communication in individual and mass communication. A cultural comparison in Germany, United Arabic Emirates and USA (German Science Foundation, DFG)
- 2003-2005: Integrated project BioSec: Acceptance of biometric security technology (EU 6th framework program)
- 2003-2004: Social presence in virtual teams: Psychological determinants of avatar-based knowledge communication (Focus program "Net-based knowledge communication in groups, German Science Foundation, DFG)
- 2001-2003: Nonverbal behaviour and gender in virtual communication environments (German Science Foundation, DFG)
- 1999-2003: Integrated Project EMBASSI: Development and evaluation of anthropomorphic agents (Federal Ministry of Research in the BMBF)
- 1999-2001: Interaction, Identity and subjective experience in virtual communication environments (German Science Foundation, DFG)
- 1997-1999: Virtual worlds (Ministry of Research and Education NRW)
- 1997-1999: Virtual Reality and parasocial interaction (German Science Foundation, DFG)
- 1995-1997: Affect-TV: Motives, content and effects of emotionally laden TV (Landesanstalt für Rundfunk, NRW)
- 1994-1997: Media use and media competence (Ministry of Research and Education NRW)
- 1986-1993: Media effects of nonverbal behavior in political communication (German Science Foundation, DFG, with S. Frey)
Development of Methods (Soft- und hardware)
- Development of a software for analysis of time series-based behavioral data
- Development of an interactive program to analyse linguistic signals in time series
- Development of a video-based eye-tracking unit to investigate processes in visual awareness
- Development of a platform to simulate nonverbal interaction behavioral patterns
- Development of a 24-seats-unit to assess physiological and subjective-nonverbal event correlates during media reception
Publications 2010-2016
Books 2010-2016
- Rieger, D., Frischlich, L., & Bente, G. (2013). Propaganda 2.0. Psychological effects of right-wing and Islamic extremist internet videos. Köln: Luchterhand.
Peer-reviewed Journals 2010-2016
- Li, K., Huang, G., & Bente, G. (2016). The impacts of banner format and animation speed on banner effectiveness: Evidence from eye movements. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 522-530. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.08.056
- Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., Hein, M., & Bente, G. (2015). Dying the right way? Interest in a perceived persuasiveness of parochial extremist propaganda increases after mortality salience. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1222. doi: 10.3389./fpsyg.2015.01222
- Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., Dratsch, T., & Bente, G. (2015). Meet Joe Black? The effects of mortality salience and similarity on the desire to date in-group vs. out-group members online. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 32(4), 509-528. doi: 10.1177/0265407514536305
- Rieger, D., Frischlich, L., Wulf, T., Bente, G., & Kneer, J. (2015). Eating ghosts: The underlying mechanisms of mood repair via interactive and non-interactive media. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 4(2), 138-154. doi: 10.1037/ppm0000018
- Rieger, D., Reinecke, L., & Bente, G. (2015). Media induced recovery: The effects of positive versus negative media stimuli on recovery experience, cognitive performance, and energetic arousal. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1037/ppm0000075
- Roth, D., Latoschik, M.E., Vogeley, K., & Bente, G. (2015). Hybrid avatar-agent technology - A conceptual step towards mediated "social" virtual reality and its respective challenges. i-com, 14(2), 107-114. doi: 10.1515/icom-2015-0030
- Bente, G., Dratsch, T., Kaspar, K., Häßler, T., Bungard, O., & Al-Issa, A. (2014). Cultures of trust: Effects of avatar faces and reputation scores on German and Arab players in an online trust game. PLoS ONE, 9(8): e107075. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107075
- Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Roth, D., Bente, G., & Vogeley, K. (2014). The use of virtual characters to assess and train non-verbal communication in high-functioning autism. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(807). doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00807
- Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Santos, N.S., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Tittgemeyer, M., & Vogeley, K. (2014). Perceiving nonverbal behavior: Neural correlates of processing movement fluency and contingency in dyadic interactions. Human Brain Mapping, 35(4), 1362-1378. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22259
- Krämer, K., Bente, G., Kuzmanovic, B., Barisic, I., Pfeiffer, U., Georgescu, A., & Vogeley, K. (2014). Neural correlates of emotion perception depending on culture and gaze duration. Culture and Brain, 2(1), 27-51. doi: 10.1007/s40167-014-0013-9
- Kuzmanovic, B., Schilbach, L., Georgescu, A., Kockler, H., Santos, N., Shah, N.J., Bente, G., Fink, G.R., & Vogeley, K. (2014). Dissociating animacy processing in high-functioning autism: Neural correlates of stimulus properties and subjective ratings. Social Neuroscience, 9(3), 309-325. doi:10.1080/17470919.2014.886618
- Pfeiffer, U.J., Schilbach, L., Timmermans, B., Kuzmanovic, B., Georgescu, A., Bente, G., & Vogeley, K. (2014). Why we interact: On the functional role of the striatum in the subjective experience of social interaction. Neuroimage, 101, 124-137. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.06.061
- Rieger, D., Bartz, F., & Bente, G. (2014). Re-Integrating the ad. Effects of context congruency on banner advertising in hybrid media. Journal of Media Psychology, 27(2), 64-77. doi:10.1027/1864-1105/a000131
- Rieger, D., Reinecke, L., Frischlich, L., & Bente, G. (2014). Media entertainment and well-being - Linking hedonic and eudaimonic entertainment experience to media-induced recovery and vitality. Journal of Communication, 64(3), 456-478. doi:10.1111/jcom.12097
- Rieger, D., Wulf, T., Kneer, J., Frischlich, L., & Bente, G. (2014). The winner takes it all: The effect of in-game success and need satisfaction on mood repair and enjoyment. Computers in Human Behavior, 39, 281-286. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.07.037
- Schwartz, C., Dratsch, T., Vogeley, K., & Bente, G. (2014). Brief report: Impression formation in high-functioning autism: Role of nonverbal behavior and stereotype activating information. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(7), 1759-1765. doi: 10.1007/s10803-013-2021-6
- Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Schilbach, L., Tepest, R., Kulbida, R., Bente, G., & Vogeley, K. (2013). Neural correlates of "social gaze" processing in high-functioning autism under systematic variation of gaze duration. NeuroImage: Clinical, 3, 340-351. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.08.014
- Krämer, K., Bente, G., Luo, S., Pfeiffer, U.J., Han, S., & Vogeley, K. (2013). Influence of ethnic group-membership and gaze direction on the perception of emotions. A cross-cultural study between Germany and China. PLoS ONE, 8(6): e66335. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066335
- Kuzmanovic, B., Jefferson, A., Bente, G., & Vogeley, K. (2013). Affective and motivational influences in person perception. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(266), 1-6. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00266
- Meijer, E.H., Bente, G., Ben-Shakhar, G., & Schumacher, A. (2013). Detecting concealed information from groups using a dynamic questioning approach: Simultaneous skin conductance measurement and immediate feedback. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(68), 1-6. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00068
- Schilbach, L., Timmermans, B., Reddy, V., Costall, A., Bente, G., Schlicht, T., & Vogeley, K. (2013). Toward a second-person neuroscience. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(4), 393-414. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X12000660
- Bente, G., Baptist, O., & Leuschner, H. (2012). To buy or not to buy: Influence of seller photos and reputation on buyer trust and purchase behavior. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70(1), 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2011.08.005
- Dratsch, T., Schwartz, C., Yanev, K., Schilbach, L., Vogeley, K., & Bente, G. (2012). Getting a grip on social gaze: Control over others' gaze helps gaze detection in high-functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(2), 286-300. doi: 10.1007/s10803-012-1569-x
- Kneer, J., Glock, S., Beskes, S., & Bente, G. (2012). Are digital games perceived as fun or danger? Supporting and suppressing different game-related concepts. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Soical Networking, 15(11), 604-609. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2012.0171
- Kneer, J., Munko, D., Glock, S., & Bente, G. (2012). Defending the doomed: Implicit strategies concerning protection of first person shooter games. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(5), 151-156. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2011.0583
- Kuzmanovic, B., Bente, G., von Cramon, D., Schilbach, L., Tittgemeyer, M., & Vogeley, K. (2012). Imaging first impressions: Distinct neural processing of verbal and nonverbal social information. Neuroimage, 60(1), 179-188. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011
- Pfeiffer, U.J., Schilbach, L., Timmermans, B., Jording, M., Bente, G., & Vogeley, K. (2012). Eyes on the mind: Investigating the influence of gaze dynamics on the perception of others in real-time social interaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 3(537). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00537
- Kneer, J., Hemme, I., & Bente, G. (2011). Vicarious belongingness. Effects of socio-emotional commercials under mortality salience. Journal of Media Psychology, 23(3), 133-140. doi: 10.1027/1864-1105/a000045
- Kuzmanovic, B., Schilbach, L., Lehnhardt, F.G., Bente, G., & Vogeley, K. (2011). A matter of words: Impression formation in complex situations relies on verbal more than on nonverbal information in high-functioning autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(1), 604-613. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2010.07.005
- Pfeiffer, U.J., Timmermans, B., Bente, G., Vogeley, K., & Schilbach, L. (2011). The non-verbal Turing test: Differentiating mind from machine in gaze-based social interaction. PLoS ONE, 6(11):e27591. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0027591.
- Bente, G., Leuschner, H., Al-Issa, A., & Blascovich, J.J. (2010). The others: Universals and cultural specificities in the perception of status and dominance from nonverbal behavior. Consciousness and Cognition, 19(3), 762-777. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2010.06.006
- Breuer, J., & Bente, G. (2010). Why so serious? On the relation of serious games and learning. Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture, 4(1), 7-24.
- Krämer, N.C., & Bente, G. (2010). Personalizing e-learning. The social effects of pedagogical agents. Educational Psychology Review, 22(1), 71-87. doi: 10.1007/s10648-010-9123-x
- Santos, N.S., Kuzmanovic, B., David, N., Rotarska-Jagiela, A., Eickhoff, S.B., Shah, N.J., Fink, G.R., Bente, G., & Vogeley, K. (2010). Animated brain: A functional neuroimaging study on animacy experience. Neuroimage, 53(1), 291-302. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.05.080
- Schilbach, L., Wilms, M., Eickhoff, S.B., Romanzetti, S., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Shah, N.J., Fink, G.R., & Vogeley, K. (2010). Minds made for sharing: Initiating joint attention recruits reward-related neurocircuitry. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(12), 2702-2715. doi: 10.1162/jocn.2009.21401
- Schwartz, C., Bente, G., Gawronski, A., Schilbach, L., & Vogeley, K. (2010). Responses to nonverbal behavior of dynamic virtual characters in high-functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40(1), 100-111. doi: 10.1007/s10803-009-0843-z
- Vogeley, K., & Bente, G. (2010). "Artificial humans": Psychology and neuroscience perspectives on embodiment and nonverbal communication. Neural Networks, 23(8-9), 1077-1090. doi: 10.1016/j.neunet.2010.06.003
- Wilms M., Schilbach, L., Pfeiffer, U., Bente, G., Fink, G.R., & Vogeley, K. (2010). It's in your eyes - Using gaze-contingent stimuli to create truly interactive paradigms for social cognitive and affective neuroscience. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 5(1), 98-107. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsq024
Book chapters 2010-2016
- Bente, G., & Rieger, D. (in press). Excitation and arousal. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), Concise Encyclopedia of Communication (pp. x-y). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Bente, G., & Krämer, N.C. (2011). Virtual gestures: Embodiment and nonverbal behavior in computer-mediated communication. In A. Kappas & N.C. Krämer (Eds.) Face-to-Face Communication. Emotions in a Web of Culture, Language, and Technology (pp. 176-210). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Vogeley, K., & Bente, G. (2011). Neuronale Mechanismen sozialer Kognition [Neural correlates of social cognition]. In M. Reimann & B. Weber (Eds.), Neuroökonomie. Grundlagen - Methoden - Anwendungen (pp. 111-137). Wiesbaden: Gabler.
- Jansen, A., Bente, G., & Krämer, N.C. (2010). Wahlkampf 2005: Eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung der Inszenierung von Angela Merkel und Gerhard Schröder in den Fernsehnachrichten unter Berücksichtigung des Geschlechterstereotyps [Election campaign 2005: A content analysis of the presentation of Angela Merkel and Gerhard Schröder in television news reports under consideration of the gender stereotype]. In T. Fass, K. Arzheimer & S. Roßteutscher (Eds.), Information - Wahrnehmung - Emotion. Politische Psychologie in der Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung (pp. 33-50). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Vohwinkel, K., Breuer, J., & Bente, G. (2010). Measuring Playability. Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Evaluation von Computerspielen [Measuring playability. Development of an evaluation tool of computer- and video games]. In C. Swertz & M. Wagner (Eds.), GamePlaySociety. Contributions to contemporary Computer Game Studies (pp. 55-63). München:kopaed.
Conference proceedings 2010-2016
- Bente, G., Dratsch, T., Rehbach, S., Reyl, M., & Lushaj, B. (2014). Do you trust my avatar? Effects of photo-realistic seller avatars and reputation scores on trust in online transactions. In F. Fui-Hoon Nah (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Sciene. HCI in Business - First International Conference, HCIB 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014. Proceedings (Vol. 8527, pp. 461-470). Cham: Springer.
- Bente, G., Dratsch, T., Rieger, D., & Al-Issa, A. (2014). Emotional contagion with artificial others - Effects of culture, physical appearance and nonverbal behavior on the perception of positive/negative affect in avatars. In G. Meiselwitz (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Social Computing and Social Media - 6th International Conference, SCSM 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22--27, 2014. Proceedings (Vol. 8527, pp. 461-470). Cham: Springer.
Conference papers 2010-2016
- Frischlich, L.; Rieger, D.; Morten, A.; & Bente, G. (2016). Narrativity in videos against extremism and its‘ effect on persuasive processing and behavioral intentions. Paper accepted for the 66th annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA). Fukoaka, Japan: International Communication Association.
- Roth, D., Bloch, C., Wilbers, A-K., Latoschik, M.E., Kaspar, K., & Bente, G. (2016, Juni). What You See is What You Get: Channel Dominance in the Decoding of Affective Nonverbal Behavior Displayed by Avatars. Paper accepted for the 66th annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA). Fukoaka, Japan: International Communication Association.
- Wulf, T., Rieger, D., Breuer, J., & Bente, G. (2016). United we spend, divided we brawl? The influence of players' interdependence on need satisfaction and charitable behavior. Paper accepted for the pre-conference "Gaming bodies" at the 66th annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA). Fukoaka, Japan: International Communication Association.
- Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., & Bente, G. (2015, September). Dying the right way? Mortality salience increases interest in and persuasiveness of right-wing extremist propaganda among Germans. Paper presented at the 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Tübingen, Germany.
- Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., Bonn, F., Kienzle, K., Kovacheva, R., Markwald, L., Pietschmann, M., Quecke, M., & Bente, G. (2015, September). Unter Mortalitätssalienz reduzieren Fremdgruppendates den Selbstwert und erhöhen die Bedeutung von Weltanschauungsvalidierung [Outgroup dates reduce self-esteem and increase the relevance of cultural worldview validation under mortality salience]. Paper presented at the 15th Conference of the Social Psychology Division of the German Psychological Assoziationen (DGPs), Potsdam, Germany.
- Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., Rutkowski, O., & Bente, G. (2015, May). Escaping the brown shadows: Right-wing extremist propaganda motivates dissociation from one's national ingroup and turning towards alternative identities. Paper presented at the 65th Annual International Communication Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Morten, A., Marx, S., Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., Rutkowski, O., Elvert, F., & Bente, G. (2015, September). Counter Narratives - Preaching to the choir? Paper presented at the 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Tübingen, Germany.
- Morten, A., Marx, S., Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., Rutkowski, O., Elvert, F., & Bente, G. (2015, June). Counter Narrative: Eulen nach Athen tragen? Paper presented at the 28th Forum for Peace Psychology, Marburg, Germany.
- Rieger, D., Frischlich, L., & Bente, G. (2015, September). Propaganda in an insecure, unstructured world: The effects of authoritarianism and uncertainty on the evaluation of right-wing extremist propaganda videos. Paper presented at the 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Tübingen, Germany.
- Rieger, D., Kneer, J., Frischlich, L., Wulf, T., Rutkowski, O., & Bente, G. (2015, May). Enhancing vitality - Physiological evidence for the recovery potential of entertaining movies. Paper presented at the 65th Annual International Communication Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Roth, D., Kaspar, K., Chakraverty, D., Breuer, J., & Bente, G. (2015). Eye-tracking made easy: Solutions for a low-cost, easy-to-use eye-tracking lab for media psychology students and researchers. Poster presented at the 9th Meeting of the Mediapsychological Division of the German Psychological Association. Tübingen, Germany.
- Wulf, T., Rieger, D., Frischlich, L., Rutkowski, O., & Bente, G. (2015, May). Wallowing in media-past: Personal and collective triggers of media-induced nostalgia. Paper presented at the 65th Annual International Communication Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Bente, G., Dratsch, T., Rehbach, S., Reyl, M., & Lushaj, B. (2014, June). Do you trust my avatar? Effects of photo-realistic seller avatars and reputation scores on trust in online transactions. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Creta Maris, Greece.
- Bente, G., Dratsch, T., & Their, C. (2014, May). Minimal groups facilitate the perception of out-group anger. Paper presented at the 64th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Seattle, USA.
- Frischlich, L., Lefarth, K.-M., & Bente, G. (2014). Authoritarianism, social dominance and evaluation of in-group vs. out-group propaganda among police officers. Paper presented at the 64th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Seattle, USA: International Communication Association.
- Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., Dratsch, T., & Bente, G. (2014, May). Meet Joe Black? The effects of mortality salience and similarity on the desire to date in-group vs. outgroup members in an online dating context. Paper presented at the 64th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Seattle, USA.
- Rieger, D., Bowman, N. D., Frischlich, L., & Bente, G. (2014, May). "I'm pumped, but I don't feel like it!" The differential effects of affect and arousal regulation on mood repair and recovery. Paper presented at the 64th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Seattle, USA.
- Rieger, D., Reinecke, L., Frischlich, L., & Bente, G. (2014, May). Media entertainment & well-being - Linking hedonic and eudaimonic entertainment to media-induced recovery and vitality. Paper presented at the 64th Annual International Communication Association Conference, Seattle, USA.
- Bente, G. (2013, July). Coordinated minds and bodies. Second-person accounts to the co-creation of social reality through nonverbal behaviour. Paper presented at the 2013 Ian-Ramsey-Center Conference, Oxford, UK.
- Bente, G., & Dratsch, T. (2013, September). Trusted faces. Analyzing the effects of photo-realistic avatars in e-commerce transactions. Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Würzburg, Germany.
- Bente, G., Dratsch, T., & Al-Issa, A. (2013, July). Analyzing nonverbal behavior and impression formation across cultures. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany.
- Bente, G., Dratsch, T., Rehbach, S., Reyl, M, & Lushaj, B. (2013, June). Do you trust my avatar? Influence of seller avatars on trust in online transactions. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, London, UK.
- Buchheister, H., von Knobelsdorff, S., Ledniova, I., Naumceski, M., Rieger, D., & Bente, G. (2013). Influences of movie stimuli-reception on recovery experience. Poster presented at the 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Divison of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Würzburg, Germany.
- Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., Dratsch, T., & Bente, G. (2013, September). You're my match: The effects of mortality salience on dating similar and dissimilar in- and outgroup members. Poster presented at the 14th Conference of the Social Psychology Division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Hagen, Germany.
- Rieger, D., Frischlich, L., & Bente, G. (2013, November). Propaganda 2.0. Frequency, appearance and effects of different formats of right-wing and Islamic extremist propaganda videos. Paper presented at the Expert Meeting on "Psychological Effects of Right-Wing and Islamic Extremist Internet Videos", Den Haag, The Netherlands.
- Rieger, D., Frischlich, L., & Bente, G. (2013, September). Disguised in entertainment: Approach and avoidance reactions towards right-wing and Islamic extremist propaganda videos. Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Würzburg, Germany.
- Rieger, D., Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2013, June). Drying tears with pacman: The impact of interactive and noninteractive media on reported mood and physiological arousal. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, London, UK.
- Rieger, D., Reinecke, L., Kneer, J., Frischlich, L., & Bente, G. (2013, June). Media induced recovery: The effects of positive versus negative media stimuli on recovery experience, cognitive performance, and vitality. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, London, UK.
- Bartz, F., Rieger, D., & Bente, G. (2012, May). Effective banners in hybrid media: The impact of pictures and text on contextual advertising. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, USA.
- Bente, G., Dratsch, T., Leuschner, H., & Al-Issa, A. (2012, May). A true core of cultural stereotypes? Discerning individualism-collectivism from nonverbal behavior. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, USA.
- Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., & Bente, G. (2012, June). Propaganda 2.0: A psychological investigation on the effects of right-wing and Islamic extremist propaganda. Paper presented at Forum KI: Neue Technologien und neue Medien in polizeilicher Forschung und Praxis [Forum KI: New technologies and new media in police research and practice], Wiesbaden, Germany.
- Hinz, S., Rieger, D., Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2012, April). Limits of the emotion regulation of negative emotions. Paper presented at the 54th Conference of Experimentally Working Psychologists (TEAP), Mannheim, Germany.
- Kneer, J., Munko, D., & Bente, G. (2012, May). Implicit defense strategies concerning first person shooter games. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, USA.
- Leuschner, H., & Bente, G. (2012, May). Perceiving individualism-collectivism across cultures: How to correct for instable response bias. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, USA.
- Shishechian, S., Rieger, D., Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2012, April). Distraction from the negative emotion "fear". Paper presented at the 54th Conference of Experimentally Working Psychologists (TEAP), Mannheim, Germany.
- Frischlich, L., Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2011, March). Culture vs. self-esteem: What matters in the face of the death. Paper presented at the 53rd Conference of Experimentally Working Psychologists (TEAP), Halle, Germany.
- Frischlich, L., Rieger, D., Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2011). The activation of cultural worldview defense and self-esteem striving after mortality salience. Paper presented at the Summerschool Cultural and Social Cognition. Cologne, German.
- Frischlich, L., Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2011). Death versus dissonance: Increasing self-esteem as a versatile solution. Paper presented at the 2th European Congress of Psychology. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Hieb, V., Bente, G., & Kneer, J. (2011, March). Diamonds or best friend? Komsumpräferenzen unter der Mortalitätssalienz [Diamonds or best friends? Consumer preferences under mortality salience]. Paper presented at the 53rd Conference of Experimentally Working Psychologists (TEAP), Halle, Germany.
- Kneer, J., Beskes, S., & Bente, G. (2011, July). Belonging to "Generation Game": Defense strategies of young adults concerning effects of digital video games. Paper presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Kneer, J., Rieger, D., & Bente, G. (2011, August). Nothing else matters: Heavy Metal against existential anguish. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Bremen, Germany.
- Rieger, D., Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2011, July). Cognitive dissonance & memory load: The effect of personal relevance on dissonance reduction and memory performance. Paper presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Bente, G., & Baptiste, O. (2010, June). Trust Games: Impact of seller photo and reputation on trust in computer-mediated transactions. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Singapore.
- Dratsch, T., Schwartz, C., Yanev, K., Schilbach, L., Vogeley, K., & Bente, G. (2010, September). Effekte von kontrolliertem und nicht-kontrolliertem Blick bei hochfunktionalem Autismus [Effects of controlled and non-controlled gaze in high-functioning autism]. Paper presented at the 47th Congress of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Bremen, Germany.
- Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2010, September). The need to feel alive: Der Einfluss von Mortalitässalienz auf die Wirkung von emotionaler Werbung [The need to feel alive: The influence of mortality salience on the effects of emotional advertisment]. Paper presented at the 47th Congress of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Bremen, Germany.
- Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2010, July). Counterstrike strikes
back? How shooter players are perceived. Paper presented at the 27th
International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
- Munko, D., Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2010, March). Spielst du noch oder planst du schon? [Still playing or already planning? ]. Paper presented at the 52nd Conference of Experimentally Working Psychologists (TEAP), Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Rieger, D., Bartz, F., & Bente, G. (2010, September). Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn? Der Einfluss des Kontextes auf die Informationsverarbeitung von Bannerwerbung im Internet [Context effects on the information processing of online advertisement]. Paper presented at the 47th Congress of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Bremen, Germany.
- Rieger, D., Bartz, F., Bente, G., & Kneer, J. (2010, March). Werbung im Blick. Effekte des Kontextes auf die Betrachtung von Internetwerbung [Advertisment in sight. Context effects on the reception of online advertisment]. Paper presented at the 52nd Conference of Experimentally Working Psychologists (TEAP), Saarbrücken, Germany.