Incoming Staff
Welcome to the Faculty of Human Sciences!
We thank you for your interest in our work and in the activities in research and education/training. Here you find some general information about our faculty. This page contains information on:
- the Faculty of Human Sciences
- the Center for International Relations
- International Relations Office of University of Cologne
- Higher education and education system in Germany
- Generel information and support from our "Welcome Center"
The Faculty of Human Sciences
To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and research in the area of the human sciences, the University of Cologne has decided to concentrate existing resources and scientific expertise within the new Faculty of Human Sciences. Founded by the date of January, 1st 2007, the new faculty incorporates the disciplines Education & Social Sciences, Psychology, Special Education & Rehabilitation and Music & Arts, overall consisting of eight institutes and one department.
The four disciplines are connected by the common goal to understand and foster the development of human cognitive and emotional resources and to strengthen communicative competence and societal responsibility. Individual development, private and institutionalized education, human cognition and decision making, media uses and effects, as well as training, therapy and rehabilitation are multidisciplinary core topics of the new teaching programs and the manifold research projects aiming at scientific excellence as well as practical knowledge application.
( more about research and education activities here )

Please take a look at the following publications, which provide further information on the Faculty of Human Sciences and on University of Cologne ('Universität zu Köln'):
- Faculty of Human Sciences information booklet, please download here
- Special Education & Rehabilitation studies booklet, please download here
- University of Cologne information brochure, please download here
- University of Cologne web pages.
The Center for International Relations
The Center for International Relations at the Faculty of Human Sciences is a contact institution for incoming internationals, researchers and academic staff as well as students, who are interested in the faculty activities and opportunities. We provide information and support concerning the faculty, the university and the city of Cologne (Köln).
- For further information in English language you are welcome to contact us by e-mail or by phone.
The Center is also an institution providing information and support in international academic exchange to local protagonists and coordinating most of the faculty's international activities. Thus it is a partner for both students and academic/scientific staff at the Faculty of Human Sciences at University of Cologne, supporting the further internationalisation of study, teaching and research.
International Relations Office of the University of Cologne
Part of the University of Cologne's organisational structure is the International Office. It takes care of the international interests and demands of the university as a whole and coordinates the activities of the Centers for International Relations of the university's different faculties.
Higher education and education system in Germany
Information on higher education and the education system in Germany in English language is available on the following internet locations:
- World Higher Education Database by International Association of Universities (IAU)
- General overview of the German education system (click here)
- German education system (click here)
Info on Special Needs Education in Germany is provided by the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education's website