Laufende Drittmittelprojekte:
Universität zu Köln: UoC EmergingGroup Mapping Autonomous Neural Interaction and Control (MANIAC, Speaker: J. König)
DFG Sachbeihilfe PE1627/9-1: Ambulatory assessment of cue-reactivity during naturalistic cue exposure in gambling disorder.
DFG Sachbeihilfe PE1627/8-1: Recurrent neural network models for exploration behavior in dynamic environments.
Frühere Drittmittelprojekte:
DFG Emmy-Noether Nachwuchsgruppe (PE 1627/5-1): Studies on the role of subcortical dopaminergic networks in decision-making.
Transregio SFB 134 (Teilprojekt C05): Effects of fasting and sleep-deprivation on value-based and perceptual decision-making.
DFG Forschungsstipendium (PE 1627/4-1): The role of prefrontal networks in decision-making.
DFG Sachbeihilfe (PE 1627/3-1): Interactions between prospection and inter-temporal decision-making in low impulse control populations.
DFG Sachbeihilfe (PE 1627/2-1): Functional organization of the human medial temporal lobe.