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Here is a selection of inspiring and fun material, in random order:



A variety-mixed pick of literature that can give inspiration, serve as a guideline, or give you important information:

This list is by no means meant to be exhaustive.


Claydon et al. (2018), Waking up every day in a body that is not yours: a qualitative research inquiry into the intersection between eating disorders and pregnancy, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:463.

Dodds, S. & Hess, A.C. 2020 Adapting research methodology during COVID-19: lessons for transformative service research, Journal of Service Management Ahead-of-print.

Lobe, B., Morgan, D & Hoffman, K.A. 2020. Qualitative Data Collection in an Era of Social Distancing, International Journal of Qualitative Methods

Nurse Researcher Nurse Researcher is a bimonthly nursing journal published by RCNi. It covers research methodology and relevant to the practice of nursing research and that is also applicable to other fields of research. And example of an interesting contribution relevant to doing research complying to current social distancing regulations could be: Use of Skype in interviews: the impact of the medium in a study of mental health nurses .

MacInnes, J. (2020). Secondary Analysis of Quantitative Data. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J.W. Sakshaug, & R.A. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations.

Rivas, C. (2020). Cancer patient experience survey: Using computerised text analysis and text analytics to explore big data.SAGE Research Methods Cases.

Salmons, J. (2012). Cases in online interview research. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Salmons, J. (2016). Doing qualitative research online. 55 City Road, London: SAGE Publications Ltd

Teti, M., Schatz, E. & Liebenberg, L. 2020. Methods in the Time of COVID-19: The Vital Role of Qualitative Inquiries, International Journal of Qualitative Methods

Torres van Grinsven, V. (2014), A Pragmatic Mixed-Methods Analysis: Identifying Perspectives and Sentiments with Social Media Data, In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd.

Torres van Grinsven, V., & Snijkers, G. (2015), Sentiments and Perceptions of Business Respondents on Social Media: an Exploratory Analysis, Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp.1–24

Paulus, T.M., & Lester, J.N. (expected 2020), Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital World , Sage Publications Inc.