Informal Microfinance & Self-help Groups


  • Microfinance in Laos

  During the last ten years, the Government of The Lao PDR, a communist country, has taken bold steps towards a market economy, creating a policy environment for the emergence of a demand-driven
system of microfinance. Such a system should be based on the cultural traditions of Laos where
community solidarity is strong and women play a crucial role in microfinance... [weiterlesen]


  • Nigeria, Upgrading Indigenous MFIs - Trials and Errors

Revolutions in rural and microfinance seem to be recurrent events. One such revolution started in the 1970s, when Shaw and McKinnon (1973) at Stanford University propagated, pertaining to financial systems, the crucial importance of Money and Capital in Economic Development; and a group of scholars around Dale Adams (1984) at Ohio State University, pertaining to rural financial systems, exposed the dangers of Undermining Rural Development with Cheap Credit... [weiterlesen]


  • Trad. Coops among the Kpelle of Liberia

  Most African countries have a modern cooperative movement, and those without one are trying to build it up because cooperatives are considered to be one of the most important organizations for agricultural development... [weiterlesen]