Conference Papers and Public Lectures


  • Body Hegemonies: An Experimental Transfer between Academia and Art and Activism
    Breaking Boundaries: Academia, Activism and the Arts, University of Lisbon 25.-26. 9.2019

  • Securing Privilege: Historico-Political Narratives of Dangerous Bodies
    a.r.t.e.s. forum 2019: Politics of Sensemaking, University of Cologne, July 5. 2019

  • Affective Communication in Schools of the Migration-Society
    International Workshop on the Anxiety Cultures Project Profile and Research Strategy: Living and Learning in a World of Anxieties, Kiel university, November 15.-17. 2018

  • Colony Camp Border: Migration 2040
    Multimedia performance-lecture, presented at the Workshop “Shaping the Future: The Emergence and Impact of Future-Visions and Processes of Societal Transformation”, as part of the panel Migration 2040 at the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg 6-7. September 2018

  • Un-Using Colonial Pasts: Remembering Colonial South-West-Africa
    Lecture Series: Heritage, Conflict and Belonging, Brandenburgische Technische Universität, Cottbus 13. December 2017

  • Un-Uses of Colonial Pasts in the Cityscapes of Cologne, Oldenburg and Cottbus
    Conference: Materialities of Postcolonial Memory – University of Amsterdam, 7.-9. December 2017

  • Accredited Affects: Discourses on Migration and Threat
    International conference Taboo and Transgression. The Power of the (Un)Told in Postmigrant Society, Centre for Integration Studies, Technical University, Dresden 22. June 2017

  • Einverleibung: Eine Postkoloniale Reflektion
    Symposium: Decolonising Arts Education, Institut für Kunst und Kunsttheorie, Universität zu Köln, 28-29. April 2017

  • Dancing the in-between: Reflektionen zu Migrationsbewegungen und transnationalen Lebenswelten, Lecture-Performance, Bonn, 18. März 2017

  • Discursive (Con)-structions of Threat-Scenarios in Migration Societies
    Symposium: Educational Responsibility in Times of Social Crisis, Centre of Humanities in Education (ZeBiG) Kiel University (Co-Author Prof. Dr. phil. Paul Mecheril Carl Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg) 23. June 2016

  • Dancing the in-between: reflections on the (im)-possibilities of embodied academia
    Lecture-Performance: Kunstvolle Praxis - interkulturelle ungleichheitsanalytische Perspektiven auf Routine und Kreativität, FIST Forschungsstelle für interkulturelle Studien, Universität zu Köln,
    14. Januar 2015

  • Performative postkoloniale Migrationsforschung
    Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Julia Reuter und Dr. Monica van der Haagen-Wulff, Internationale Konferenz: Performigrations an der Universität Klagenfurt am 30. Juni 2015

  • De-Cloaking Invisibility: Remembering Colonial South-West-Africa
    Postcolonial Justice: Reassessing the ‘fair go’ Joint Conference of ASNEL and GAST in Potsdam and Berlin 29.-31. May 2014

  • Infiltrating the Domestic Fortress: The Resistance of Mas Marco Kartodikromo
    Conference: Resistance. Subjects, Representations, Contexts, Oldenburg University, November 6.-8. 2014

  • Abschied
    Lecture-Performance, Vortragsreihe „Migration - Geschichten Bewegen Grenzen“,
    Oldenburgisches Staatstheater in Kooperation mit der Universität Oldenburg, Juli 2013

  • Dancing in the Contact Zone: Eine Reflexion über die (Un-) Möglichkeit der Begegnung
    Lecture-Performance, Vortragsreihe „Migration - Geschichten Bewegen Grenzen“, Oldenburgisches Staatstheater in Kooperation mit der Universität Oldenburg, 29. Mai 2013

  • Origin – Transit –Destination (OTD). Diskontinuitäten in einer interkulturellen Kollaboration Veranstaltende: Prof. Dr. Eva Sturm, Fak. III Institut für Kunst und visuelle Kultur Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril, Center for Migration, Education and Cultural Studies (CMC), Universität Oldenburg, 01 Juli 2013

  • Troppo Obscura: A Peepshow of Historical Perversity
    Images of Social Life, Visual Sociology Association Conference at the University of Southampton, UK 2003

  • White Body: Asian Moves
    Institute for International Studies (IIS) Annual Conference: Women and Radical Change at the University of Technology, Sydney 2002

  • Boxing the Colonial
    Visiting Scholars Program Challenges to Perform Cross-Culturally, organised by the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research at the Australian National University 2002