Values Education in Schools. A comparison of japanese und german Approaches

The research project examines how values education with a strong focus on forms of citizenship education has been institutionalized in Germany and Japan. It tries to identify similarities and differences in forming respective educational programs taking into account both specific political context conditions in both countries and the international diffusion of pedagogical ideas and knowledge.

Prinicipal Investigator: Prof. Kana Hamatani (Chuo University Tokyo); Prof. Dr. Matthias Proske (Projektberater)

Fördereinrichtung: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Laufzeit: 2021-2025


Hamatani, K., Henke, R.W., Inoue, T., & Proske, M. (2023). A Comparative Analysis of ‘Practical Philosophy’ in NRW, Germany and ‘Citizenship’ in Shinagawa, Japan: Rethinking Institutionalization of Values Education. In: Global Comparative Education, 7(1), 52-67.