Forschungsreihe „Youtuber-Videos, Peers und politische Orientierung von Jugendlichen“


Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kaspar kkaspar[uk]

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Die Forschungsreihe untersucht den Zusammenhang von Social-Media-Angeboten, Peer-Kommunikation und politischer Orientierung von Jugendlichen. Zielsetzung war und ist es, durch qualitative sowie quantitative Studien zu untersuchen, in welcher Art und Weise Webvideos von YouTubern und ihre kommunikative Thematisierung in der Peer-Group beeinflussen, wie sich Jugendliche über Politik informieren und wie sich ihre politischen Orientierungen entwickeln. Die Forschungsreihe bewegt sich dabei im Schnittfeld von Jugend- bzw. Peerforschung, Medienforschung, Mediensozialisationsforschung und Politischer Kommunikationsforschung. English abstract: The research series investigates the relationship between social media offerings, peer communication, and political orientation among young people. The aim was and still is to investigate through qualitative and quantitative studies how YouTubers' web videos and their communicative thematization in the peer group influence how young people inform themselves about politics and how their political orientations develop. The research series is located at the intersection of youth and peer research, media research, media socialization research, and political communication research.


The research series investigates the relationship between social media offerings, peer communication, and political orientation among young people. The aim was and still is to investigate through qualitative and quantitative studies how YouTubers' web videos and their communicative thematization in the peer group influence how young people inform themselves about politics and how their political orientations develop. The research series is located at the intersection of youth and peer research, media research, media socialization research, and political communication research.