Partizipation und Anerkennung in Response-To-Intervention (PARTI)


Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kasper kkaspar[uk]

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Schulen stehen seit einigen Jahren vor der Aufgabe, inklusive Schulstrukturen zu entwickeln. Die Notwendigkeit wird aktuell gerade durch Befunde zur Schulsituation von Kindern mit dem Förderschwerpunkt Emotionale und soziale Entwicklung verdeutlicht. Diese Gruppe zeichnet sich häufig durch Verhaltensprobleme aus, stört Unterrichtsabläufe und steht somit unter einem erhöhten Risiko, von Klassenkameradinnen und -kameraden sozial abgelehnt zu werden. Da die schulische Inklusion in Deutschland ein relativ junges Arbeitsfeld darstellt, fehlt es in der Praxis bislang oftmals an konkretem Handlungswissen, um mit diesen Problemlagen adäquat umgehen zu können. Hinzu kommen meist fehlende Kooperationsstrukturen zur effektiven Zusammenarbeit von allgemeinen und sonderpädagogischen Lehrkräften, die eine notwendige Voraussetzung für den erfolgreichen Umgang mit Verhaltensproblemen darstellen. Das PARTI-Projekt zielt darauf ab, multiprofessionelle Kooperationsstrukturen an Schulen aufzubauen bzw. zu verbessern und Lehrkräften konkrete sowie wirksame Methoden zum Umgang mit Verhaltensproblemen an die Hand zu geben. Über die kooperative Methodenplanung und -implementierung von allgemeinen und sonderpädagogischen Lehrkräften erhoffen wir uns adaptive Lösungsansätze zur systematischen Reduzierung von Verhaltensproblemen und Unterrichtsstörungen sowie zur Förderung der sozialen Integration aller Kinder. English abstract: For some years now, schools have been faced with the task of developing inclusive school structures. The need for this is currently being illustrated by findings on the school situation of children with a focus on emotional and social development. This group is often characterized by behavioral problems, it disrupts teaching processes, and it is therefore at an increased risk of being socially rejected by classmates. Since school inclusion is a relatively young field of work in Germany, concrete practical knowledge is often lacking to deal adequately with these problems. In addition, there is usually a lack of structures for effective cooperation between general and special education teachers, which is a necessary prerequisite for successfully dealing with behavioral problems. The PARTI project aims to establish and improve multi-professional cooperation structures at schools and to provide teachers with concrete and effective methods for dealing with behavioral problems. Through the cooperative planning and implementation of specific methods for general and special education teachers, we hope to find adaptive solutions to systematically reduce behavioral problems and teaching disorders and to promote the social integration of all children.


For some years now, schools have been faced with the task of developing inclusive school structures. The need for this is currently being illustrated by findings on the school situation of children with a focus on emotional and social development. This group is often characterized by behavioral problems, it disrupts teaching processes, and it is therefore at an increased risk of being socially rejected by classmates. Since school inclusion is a relatively young field of work in Germany, concrete practical knowledge is often lacking to deal adequately with these problems. In addition, there is usually a lack of structures for effective cooperation between general and special education teachers, which is a necessary prerequisite for successfully dealing with behavioral problems. The PARTI project aims to establish and improve multi-professional cooperation structures at schools and to provide teachers with concrete and effective methods for dealing with behavioral problems. Through the cooperative planning and implementation of specific methods for general and special education teachers, we hope to find adaptive solutions to systematically reduce behavioral problems and teaching disorders and to promote the social integration of all children.