DOCommunication – Schlüsselkompetenz Erstgesprächsführung: Ein Game-Based Training für die Arzt-Patient-Kommunikation


Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kasper kkaspar[uk]

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Erstgesprächen mit Patient*innen kommt eine Schlüsselrolle im ärztlichen Kontext zu, da sie den Erfolg einer weiterführenden Therapie maßgeblich mitbestimmen können. Im Erstgespräch geht es darum, den Konsultationsgrund und die Lebenswirklichkeit der Patient*innen kennenzulernen, um individuelle Ängste und Hoffnungen nachzuvollziehen und eine gute Basis für eine vertrauensvolle und effektive Beziehung zwischen Ärzt*innen und Patient*innen aufzubauen. Insofern stellt das Führen eines erfolgreichen Erstgesprächs eine Schlüsselkompetenz angehender Ärzt*innen dar. Der Aufbau dieser Kompetenz ist Ziel des Projektes DOCommunication. In diesem wird eine Game-based Learning-Umgebung aufgebaut, in der ähnlich eines interaktiven Films Studierende in die Rolle eines Arztes oder einer Ärztin schlüpfen und mit unterschiedlichen Patient*innen – dargestellt durch professionelle Schauspieler*innen für eine maximale Authentizität – Erstgespräche spielerisch trainieren können. Das System bietet in jeder Situation diverse Handlungsoptionen, sodass der Gesprächsverlauf direkt vom Verhalten der Studierenden abhängt. Dies ermöglicht ein mehrmaliges spielerisches Durchlaufen eines Erstgespräches, das dem Aufbau von Kommunikationsexpertise förderlich ist. Die Entwicklung des immersiven Systems wird flankiert durch ein iteratives Usability-Testing sowie einer systematischen Evaluation der Akzeptanz durch die Studierenden sowie deren Lernleistung. English abstract: Initial discussions with patients play a key role in the medical context, as they can have a decisive influence on the success of further therapy. The first interview is about getting to know the reason for the consultation and the reality of the patients' living conditions in order to understand their individual fears and hopes and to establish a good basis for a trustful and effective relationship between doctors and patients. In this respect, conducting a successful initial interview is a key competence of prospective doctors. The aim of the DOCommunication project is to build up this competence. In this project, a game-based learning environment is set up in which, similar to an interactive film, students slip into the role of a doctor and can playfully train initial conversations with different patients - represented by professional actors for maximum authenticity. The system offers various options for action in every situation, so that the course of the conversation depends directly on the behavior of the students. This makes it possible to pass through an initial conversation several times in a playful way, which is beneficial for the development of communication expertise. The development of the immersive system is flanked by iterative usability testing and systematic evaluation of student acceptance and learning performance.


Initial discussions with patients play a key role in the medical context, as they can have a decisive influence on the success of further therapy. The first interview is about getting to know the reason for the consultation and the reality of the patients' living conditions in order to understand their individual fears and hopes and to establish a good basis for a trustful and effective relationship between doctors and patients. In this respect, conducting a successful initial interview is a key competence of prospective doctors. The aim of the DOCommunication project is to build up this competence. In this project, a game-based learning environment is set up in which, similar to an interactive film, students slip into the role of a doctor and can playfully train initial conversations with different patients - represented by professional actors for maximum authenticity. The system offers various options for action in every situation, so that the course of the conversation depends directly on the behavior of the students. This makes it possible to pass through an initial conversation several times in a playful way, which is beneficial for the development of communication expertise. The development of the immersive system is flanked by iterative usability testing and systematic evaluation of student acceptance and learning performance.