Synergie! - Interdisziplinäres Netzwerk zur systematischen Testung von ILIAS als universitätsweite Lernplattform


Prof. Dr. Dr. Kai Kasper kkaspar[uk]

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E-Learning-Elemente in der Lehre gelten als vielversprechender Ansatz, um kompetenzorientiertes Lernen über die Präsenzlehre hinaus zu fördern. Die Universität zu Köln betreibt mit ILIAS eine entsprechende E-Learning-Plattform, deren Potentiale als Lernumgebung jedoch nicht in allen Fakultäten gleichermaßen genutzt werden. In vielen Fällen dient ILIAS bislang nur als Austauschplattform für Vorlesungs- und Referatsfolien. Dabei bietet es vielfältige Möglichkeiten für eine innovative Lehrgestaltung. Durch die dezentrale Struktur ist bisher weitgehend unbekannt, inwiefern viele Funktionalitäten in ILIAS tatsächlich einen didaktischen Mehrwert bieten und wie diese effektiv in eine innovative Lehrgestaltung integriert werden können. Das Projekt zielte ab auf die Veränderung dieses Zustands und eine anforderungsorientierte Einbindung von ILIAS zum Aufbau von kollektiven Lernräumen. Dabei standen die fachspezifischen Bedarfe und Wünsche von Studierenden und Lehrenden im zentralen Fokus. Es sollten die didaktischen Potentiale sowie technologischen Möglichkeiten diverser ILIAS-Funktionalitäten systematisch in der Lehre getestet und evaluiert werden. Dies geschah auf Basis bisheriger Erfahrungen des CompetenceCenters E-Learning (CCE) als zentrale Einheit und einiger E-Learning-Konzepte in beteiligten Studiengängen. Vor allem wurde evaluiert, inwiefern bestimmte Funktionalitäten der Erreichung spezifischer Lernziele in unterschiedlichen Fächern zuträglich sind. Das Projekt zielte dabei auf den Aufbau kollektiver Learning Communities, in denen Studierende gegenseitig voneinander lernen können. Dabei wurde mithilfe des CCE auch eine Pilottestung von ILIAS-Elementen in der Medizinischen Fakultät durchgeführt, die bisher nicht auf dieses System zugreift. Am Ende wurde ein digitales Handbuch mit Video-Tutorien erstellt, mit dem die Einbindung von ILIAS in die Lehre angeleitet und somit für Lehrende und Studierende aller Fakultäten niedrigschwellig nutzbar gemacht wird. English abstract: E-Learning elements in teaching are regarded as a promising approach to promoting competence-oriented learning beyond classroom teaching. With ILIAS, the University of Cologne operates an e-learning platform whose potential as a learning environment is not used equally in all faculties. In many cases, ILIAS has so far only served as an exchange platform for lecture and presentation slides. However, it offers various possibilities for an innovative teaching design. Due to the decentralized structure, it is still largely unknown to what extent many functionalities in ILIAS actually offer didactic value and how these can be effectively integrated into an innovative teaching design. The project aimed to change this status quo and to integrate ILIAS in a demand-oriented way in order to create collective learning spaces. The focus was on the subject-specific needs and wishes of students and teachers. The didactic potentials and technological possibilities of various ILIAS functionalities were systematically tested and evaluated in teaching scenarios. This was done on the basis of previous experience of the CompetenceCenter E-Learning (CCE) as a central unit as well as several e-learning concepts already existing in numerous study programs. Overall, it was evaluated to what extent certain functionalities are conducive to the achievement of specific learning goals in different subjects. The project aimed at building collective learning communities in which students can learn from each other. With the help of the CCE, a pilot test of ILIAS elements was also carried out in the Medical Faculty, which has not yet accessed this system. In the end, a digital handbook with video tutorials was created to guide the integration of ILIAS into teaching and thus make it usable for teachers and students of all faculties.


E-Learning elements in teaching are regarded as a promising approach to promoting competence-oriented learning beyond classroom teaching. With ILIAS, the University of Cologne operates an e-learning platform whose potential as a learning environment is not used equally in all faculties. In many cases, ILIAS has so far only served as an exchange platform for lecture and presentation slides. However, it offers various possibilities for an innovative teaching design. Due to the decentralized structure, it is still largely unknown to what extent many functionalities in ILIAS actually offer didactic value and how these can be effectively integrated into an innovative teaching design. The project aimed to change this status quo and to integrate ILIAS in a demand-oriented way in order to create collective learning spaces. The focus was on the subject-specific needs and wishes of students and teachers. The didactic potentials and technological possibilities of various ILIAS functionalities were systematically tested and evaluated in teaching scenarios. This was done on the basis of previous experience of the CompetenceCenter E-Learning (CCE) as a central unit as well as several e-learning concepts already existing in numerous study programmes. Overall, it was evaluated to what extent certain functionalities are conducive to the achievement of specific learning goals in different subjects. The project aimed at building collective learning communities in which students can learn from each other. With the help of the CCE, a pilot test of ILIAS elements was also carried out in the Medical Faculty, which has not yet accessed this system. In the end, a digital handbook with video tutorials was created to guide the integration of ILIAS into teaching and thus make it usable for teachers and students of all faculties.