Methoden der Bildungs- und Sozialforschung unter bes. Berücksichtigung der Genderforschung / Soziologie
Department Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften
Organisation von Workshops/Konferenzen
- 03/2023 Co-organisor "Joint session: Data for Development IG , RDA for theSustainable Development Goals IG : Data for Sustainable Development (SD) and Responsible Research (RR), 20th Plenary, RDA, 22.3. 2023.
- 09/2022 Co-organisor "International Scientific Mobility in Times of Global Crises". Moderator of panel. In cooperation with the German Fulbright foundation, the Kölner Wissenschaftsrunde, and AmerikaHaus NRW e.V. at the Cologne City Hall, 15.9. 2022.
- 06/2022 Co-organisor "What does it mean to be a child born of war"? Moderator of panel." Launch of ERC consolidator grant "EuroWARCHILD" (with research group), Oslo, 1.6. 2022.
- 05/2022 Co-organisor ""Gender Data Gaps – Lücken mit Konsequenzen", Kölner Wissenschaftsrunde (CBS, GESIS,UzK & HvB), Hildegard-von-Bingen Gymnasium, Köln, 18.5.2022.
- 10/2020 & 04/2021 Co-organisor "RDA for the SDGs, RDA Plenary Meetings", Virtual, Costa Rica and Edinbourgh.
- 10 2019 Co-organisor "RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals", at the RDA Plenary Session, Helsinki, Finland, 22-25.10. 2019.
- 05/2019 Co-organisor " Zukunft gestalten - Europa entwicklen", Kölner Wissenschaftsrunde (GESIS, MPIfG, CBS, UzK), 22.5. 2019.
- 04/2019 Session co-organisor " Data for Sustainable Development Goals and RDA Connections" at the RDA Plenary Session, Philadelphia, USA, 2-4.4.2019.
- 11/2018 Session co-organisor „Capacity Building for Data Management and Participation in International Surveys in Africa“ at the RDA Plenary Session, Garbone, Botswana, 5-9.11. 2018.
- 11/2018 Session co-organisor African Universities Response to the Challenges of the Data Revolution, SciDataCon, Gaborone, Botswana, 5-8.11. 2018.
- 11/2018 Session co-organisor Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Data at the Subnational Level, SciDataCon, Gaborone, Botswana, 5-8.11. 2018.
- 07/2018 Panel organison (with Elke Kleinau) „Children at Risk in the Late 20th and 21st Century“ at the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities, Toronto, Canada, 15-21.7 2018.
- 06/2018 Workshop co-organisor (with PRIO and Center for Global Health) „Securing health care of hidden populations: The case of Children Born of War “, University of Oslo, 5.6. 2018.
- 03/2018 Session co-organisor „Ethics in FAIR Data: Ethical and practical issues of data sharing and usage within and across disciplines“ at the RDA Plenary Session, Berlin, 22.3. 2018.
- 09/2017 Session organisor „Data sharing needs, requirements, and projects in developing countries“ at the RDA 10th Plenary session, Montreal, Canada, 19.9. 2017.
- 07/2017 Panel organisor (with Julie Ane Ødegaard Borge) „Doing Research on Children and Young People" at the 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) in Lisbon, 17-21.7 2017.
- 05/2017 Organisor (with EUROLAB Team) „From vision to a Global Research Community - 20 Years EUROLAB“, 18.5. 2017.
- 07/2016 Panel organisor (with Julie Ane Ødegaard Borge) “Childrens rights and international politics”, IPSA 2016, Poznan, Poland, 23-28.7.2016.
- 03/2016 Conference organisor (with Elke Kleinau) “Children born of war in a comparative perspective – state of the art and recommendations for future research and policy implementations”, Kompetenzfeld V „Soziale Ungleichheiten und Interkulturelle Bildung“ (SINTER), Universität zu Köln, Cologne, 3-4.3.2016.
- 12/2015 Conference organisor (with Rémi Jardet) „ Resiliency, Recovery and Crisis Management: challenges for business and society, Paris, 10.12.2015.
- 09/2015 Symposium organisor (with Cologne and Wuppertal chamber of commerce) „Kulturelle Vielfalt und interkulturelles Management – Der Mittelstand ist gefordert!, Cologne, 30.9.2015.
- 09/2015 Co-organisor of session „IG/WG Summer Schools in Data Science and Cloud Computing in the Developing World and Data for Development”, RDA 6th Plenary meeting, Paris, France, 24.9.2015.
- 07/2015 Session organisor (with Dirk Schubotz) “Lay and co-researchers in survey research - participatory survey design”, ESRA, 13-17.7. 2015, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- 05/2015 Conference organisor (with Elke Kleinau) “Besatzungskinder und Wehrmachtskinder – Auf der Suche nach Identität und Resilienz , 7- 8.5.2015, Cologne.
- 09/2014 Session organisor „IG Data for Development”, RDA 4th Plenary meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22.9.2014.
- 08/2014 Panel organisor (with Christina Eder) “The social and political consequences of the economic crises” at the Fourth Global International Studies Conference–WISC, University of Frankfurt, 6-10.8.2014 .
- 09/2013 Organisor Authors’ Conference “Values, Crisis and Democracy” (with Malina Voicu and Hermann Dülmer), 26-27.9.2013.
- 04/2013 Organisor of Panel: “Diversity in Germany today”, U2B, Cologne Business School, 25.4.2013.
- 01/2013 Organisor of international workshop: “Using participatory research in cross- national research on hidden populations”, Cologne, 23-25.1.2013 (within the AHRC project headed by Sabine Lee, Birmingham).
- 01/2012 Organisor Authors’ Conference “Declining Political Trust, Disenchantment with Politics, and Methods of Political Participation” (with Markus Quandt and Christina Eder), Cologne 12-14.1.2012.
- 10/2011 The legacy of war time rape: mapping key concepts and issues, in cooperation with PRIO, Oslo and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 27-28.10.2011, Oslo, Norway.
- 03/2010 Organiser: “The Impact of the Transnational access activity on the European research area – experiences from the European Data Laboratory at GESIS”, Cologne, 12.03.2010. ZA-EUROLAB User meeting with 40 participants from ten countries.
- 06/2009 Session organiser: ‘Analysing children born of war across time, nations and disciplines’ at the conference European Survey Research Association, Warsaw, 29.6.-3.7.2009.
- 06/2008 Co-organiser “Children Born of War. The children of the occupations during and after the Second World War”, Centre for Second World War Studies, Department of Modern History, University of Birmingham, UK.
- 02/2008 Organiser: ZA-EUROLAB User meeting with 35 participants from nine countries, Cologne.
- 04/2007 Co-organiser ZA-EUROLAB/CSES meeting “Monitoring Democracy Development and Electoral Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe, ZA, Cologne with 30 participants from 15 countries, Cologne.
- 12/2006 Organiser: Expert meeting “Consolidating the Evidence Base of Children Born of War” with ten participants from six countries, Cologne, 5-6.12. 2006.
- 01/2003 Organiser: “European Values and the European Voter“. ZA-EUROLAB User meeting with 21 participants from eight countries, Cologne.
- 11/1999 Co-organiser of „50 Jahre Empirische Wahlforschung“ with 50 participants, Cologne, 23-24.11.1999.
- 10/1999 Organiser: “Infrastructure Needs for the Social Sciences”. ZA-EUROLAB User meeting with 40 participants from nine countries, Cologne.